Conchita is Professor of Economics at the Université du Luxembourg. She was previously Associate Professor of Economics at the Università di Milano-Bicocca. Her research revolves around the study of individual and social well-being and its determinants, providing measures of various phenomena – such as economic insecurity, multidimensional poverty, relative deprivation, resilience, social exclusion. and the impacts of various life events on measures of well-being. Conchita is the editor of the Review of Income and Wealth and .member of the editorial board of the Journal of Economic Inequality.
Here presentation here
Yann is Professor of Economics at HEC Paris and Associate Dean of Pre-experience Programs. He is a member of the Council of Economic Advisors to the French Prime Minister (Conseil d’Analyse Économique) and member of the Scientific Council for National Education. His research focuses on populism and trust, well-being within organizations, and the evaluation of public policy, with particular attention to the role of education, management, and employment policies. He is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France, recipient of two ERC projects from the European Commission, and senior editor of Economic Policy.
His presentation here