

Find here a downloadable version of the program with practical information and here the book of abstracts.


Program: schedule


There are 5 series of parallel sessions (A & B on day 1 and C, D & E on day 2). Each session lasts 100 minutes and generally comprises 4 papers, hence presentations should last 25 minutes per paper (20 min presentation + 5 minutes of Q&A). A few sessions contain 5 papers: in this case, presentation + Q&A should last 20 min. To be efficient, we would be grateful if you could send us the pdf of your presentation in advance or come to the room of your session in advance to upload your slides.


The conference venue is building H at the Bordeaux School of Economics (BSE) on the Campus of Pessac – check the webpage for practical information. Parallel sessions take place in rooms on the 2nd floor (rooms: H1-202, H1-203, H1-205, H1-206 and H1-207). Keynote lectures take place in amphitheater Asselain (groundfloor of Building H). Coffee breaks and Friday lunch will be located in the hall just opposite building H.



Keynote speakers


We are delighted and honored to receive Conchita d’Ambrosio (Luxembourg University) and Yann Algan (HEC, Paris) for the keynote lectures of the 1st WAP conference. Check out their bio and presentations.



Cocktail and dinner


The gala dinner will take place at the restaurant Le Café du Port, which overlooks the river Garonne. The cocktail will start at 8 pm (standing) and the dinner (seated) will be served at 8:30-8:45. During the dinner, you can try nice red and white Pessac-Léognan, a famous Bordeaux wine made close to the University (in the northern part of the so-called Graves region of Bordeaux).


Café du Port

1-2 Quai Deschamps

33100 Bordeaux


(you can easily walk to the restaurant from the city center, crossing the river via the Pont de Pierre, or use tram A)


Parallel sessions: overview


The program aims to match papers as optimally as possible by general themes and sub-topics. Below an overview of the program followed by the detailed sessions.



Parallel sessions: detailed program







WAP Society


The general assembly of the WAP society will take place on Friday, at 5:15 pm, in amphitheater Asselain.
